Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mighty camping

Having just returned from a festival it seems only right to post some of the comedy events of the week, as otherwise I'll end up telling you all individually anyway!

Before we went, Anna came to stay in Bristol for a few days, and Anna and I spending any amount of time together always results in a certain amount of chaos. For example, we spent a couple of hours one afternoon in the museum, most of which we spent in fits of giggles as a result of comedy descriptions of things - one of the dinosaurs was described as "a dinosaur from Portugal" with no other information, and one of the parrots is actually called a "superb parrot".

Then we got to go camping for a week, which isn't as bad as you'd think when it involves a festival with bands you otherwise don't get to see at all. But it also involves buying food that you can make on a camping stove (i.e. with little more than hot water generally), so we thought that some cup-a-soup type things would be good for lunch. So we were looking for them in Asda and found some with such a good name that we had to buy them just for that - mighty soup! We then told someone on our team at the festival about them, and he started using the word mighty a lot, in a comedy voice, so we started doing that too and everything over the weekend became mighty something or other, much to our amusement (hence the 'mighty camping' title...).

As some of you will know, I'm not necessarily the most normal of people, which works at this festival as it seems to be full of very strange people. And while I can be relatively sensible at work when I have to, when I'm at this festival I'm most likely to be found with fairy wings on carrying an inflatable elephant. If you don't believe me, this picture is one of the official ones on the festival website.

This was taken at one of my favourite gigs over the weekend where due to being right at the front and jumping up and down with an inflatable elephant, quite a few pictures were taken of me and Anna, although in that one you can't actually see Anna because she's behind Ken (the elephant). Just be thankful we didn't have Nigel the giant rubber duck with us at the time too! There was a picture of one of our rubber ducks in the program too, which was taken last year. It can be really fun having the elephant to draw attention to you, especially when random bands then mention you during their set, although it turns out it can be a bad thing too when scary weirdos try to steal him in the beer tent and random teenagers hug you for no apparent reason other than you're carrying an inflatable elephant. Oh well, these things happen I guess. Next year I'm hoping that Tone'll be there to scare all the weirdos away for me like he does when we go clubbing (seriously, when he's not there I seem to have a habit of attracting weirdos - if anyone can explain this to me then please do, because I'd love to know why it happens!).

Part of the festival also included Anna building a 17 ft high sculpture which we played drums on a lot.

As much as I liked it I would have preferred not having to help carry 200kg of concrete! After all, I am only little...

There will be more pictures when I get round to getting them off my camera and I get Anna to email me hers. There may have to be some comedy captions to go with them...

Big wet fish slapping!

I'd like to start this post by saying that I didn't start this, it's not my fault. My friend Chris once suggested I should slap one of our mutual friends with a big wet fish to stop him working so much because he works absolutely ridiculous hours. I told said friend about this, and he has been suggesting recently that I slap someone else, who shall for now remain nameless, with a big wet fish. This has now become something of a commonly used threat for people who annoy us, so just imagine my amusement when Pete (the guy who I was told to slap initially) sent me this:
How fun must that be?!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dancing penguins

After the horrible penguin-related incident in Texas last week I was really pleased to be sent a much happier penguin-related link. It also features a possible future phrase of the week! (Anyone else who wishes to suggest things for phrase of the week please feel free, the more people involved in it the funnier it'll get!)

Phrase of the week

It's the first phrase of the week on my blogspot since the msn spaces error last week (and the annoying microsoft tech support people error, and a couple of other microsoft-related errors). This probably wouldn't make a lot of sense as a phrase if I hadn't just written that last sentence, but now you can see how it works!

The phrase of the week is: [something] error

This all started with the too many people in the kitchen error. The crazy plant lady only has a little kitchen, and 3 people in it at once seemed to be too crowded, especially when we were all trying to do different things at once. Hence the error. Since then we've had many errors, including the giggling too much to be physically able to work error, which in itself was caused by several other errors. I'd just like to point out that it's not my fault, I didn't do it!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Microsoft are not my friends

I hate microsoft. I really do. I swear they do very little except annoy me and make my laptop unhappy. Then they make me swear and/or meep. A lot. After installing windows updates this afternoon, word decided it could no longer insert references into my report until I'd updated that as well. I then have all the usual faff in our office of attempting to get anything printed, which believe me is a lot more hassle than it sounds. Then there's the issues of having to move onto a different computer which doesn't have the same version of office on it, so all the formatting goes haywire and you have to spend ages re-doing all the figures in the report. So seeing as it's just gone 6 on a Friday and I'm still working when I need to go shopping tonight for our cocktail party tomorrow and it'll take me the best part of an hour to get home before I can do that, I'm not a happy bunny. But on the plus side, our department's deserted by this time on a Friday, so I can turn the music up on my laptop and sing (fairly loudly) in the office without disturbing people. Well, there had to be a good side in there somewhere!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Welcome to Munchkin Country

Welcome to Munchkin Country. I've decided to set this up as a result of my seeming continuous annoyance at something that microsoft have done and are too stupid to either understand when you explain it word by word or to fix the problem. There I was, happily posting away on my msn space, when microsoft had to faff aroudn with msn spaces and broke them so that people can't put names on their comments anymore. You wouldn't think that's a big problem, but I seem to get a lot of comments from weirdos on my msn space, so I like to have some idea of who's saying what to me. Plus it helps me not to get so confused, which lets be honest, happens a great deal anyway, even without the help of the idiot people at microsoft tech support. So yay, I now have a blog spot, where I can continue to keep people updated with the latest phrase of the week and hopefully they'll be able to let me know who they are when they comment!
To those of you who had links from my msn space, I'll put them on here I promise. Just give me a day or two to sort it all out!