Monday, December 11, 2006

Festive phrase of the week

This will be my last POTW before Christmas as I'm taking next week off work :D (in case you hadn't guessed/couldn't work it out, I'm very happy about this!), so it seemed only right to have a festive POTW.

We seemed to be struggling to come up with something, pther than adding the word Christmas onto one of our other frequently used phrases until we came up with one a minute ago...

So, the Christmas phrase of the week is:

In place of where we would generally use tiddlywinks (which is generally used in place of various swear words, and is sometimes alternated with the word turnips).

Have fun, and Merry Christmas if I'm not going to see you before then!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Phrase of the week

Once again I'm sat at my computer on a Monday morning drinking my coffee and attempting to recover from my weekend. It didn't seem to be a particularly stressful or hectic weekend, except for Tone not getting back from Wales until 10:40 at night on Saturday, so we didn't get to spend much more than an hour of our 6 month anniversary together (ok, not a big deal really, but I'm really sentimental about these things). I'm still slightly stunned by the fact that it's been 6 months since we got together - maybe time is running away after all...

But back to the important things - it's phrase of the week time! This week's phrase of the week is:
500 million [objects]

This has to be said in a Dr Evil style, with the little finger and everything, otherwise it's just not as funny. I've been doing this almost constantly since the middle of last week when I realised just how many bits of an experiment I was trying to do (30 instead of the 8 I usually do... not such a good idea).

I think I may now go and drink 500 million cups of coffee!