Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Munchkin tours 2007 - part 2

Munchkin tours this year seems to be primarily camping, and this part is no exception. Camping in this sense includes all manner of sleeping in fields, and in this particular instance I'd like to point out that a caravan is not cheating!

How to sum up glastonbury festival? Good company, good music, plenty of beer. Oh yeah, and mud. More consistencies and shades of mud than I'd ever thought possible! It rained every morning, so we stayed at the camp, ate fried breakfast type food and drank either coffee or beer. After the downpour of biblical proportions had stopped we ventured out, clad head to toe in waterproofs to find random music (and the odd bar - the alcohol keeps the mud funny!). And finding randomness was certainly not difficult. 10 feet tall Punch and Judy, people with inflatable giraffes tied to their heads and an Aardman penguin on a stick, and that's just for starters! I won't even go into the drunk Ninja Turtles...

Here's what I can remember of our line-up from the weekend:
Pee Wee Ellis
The Coral
Sandi Thom
Hothouse Flowers
Damien Rice
Duke Special
The Klaxons (a really small amount)
Some really random guy in a cafe
Show of Hands (Cornish pirate type people!)
The Killers
Another really random guy who'd been up for 3 days on cheap speed and couldn't tune his guitar
James Morrison
Shirley Bassey
The Manic Street Preachers
The Kaiser Chiefs
The Chemical Brothers

Favourite band/artist is a really tough one. Somewhere between Sandi Thom, Damien Rice, Show of Hands and James Morrison. Fondest memory would have to be dressed completely in waterproofs, sat on a folding stool drinking gin and tonic out of a paper cup while some hippies danced barefoot to 50's rock and roll while it was pouring with rain outside. Good times...

All in all, a fantastic weekend, mud or no mud. Well, I don't know what it's like with no mud, but I'm assuming that'd be good too! Same again next year anyone?

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