This weekend sees the first of my real goodbye things. We're having a cowboy and astronaut themed fancy dress party, with horse space hopper racing, a pinata and undoubtedly lots of drunken karaoke! It's been such a busy week making sure everything's organised and trying not to get molested by all the badgers we keep seeing that I've almost not had time to be too emotional, although I'm sure all that will change on Saturday night. I'd best root around for some waterproof make-up!
Next week's likely to be just as busy with preparations for glastonbury. My fiance's work tried to buy him out of going, but thankfully I don't think there's any amount of money that would do it, especially this year. As with all years, glastonbury is expected to be several days of booze, music, late nights and I'm sure lots of hitting myself with my poi. There'll even be an England game shown on the big screens at the pyramid stage. I can't yet imagine what the atmosphere will be like with my closest friends and tens of thousands of other people watching the match out in the sun together with a few beers, but I doubt there's a better way to do it without actually being there. Sounds like an ideal weekend to me!
In trying to get everything I want to done before I go, I seemed to have made plans for every single remaining weekend. Looks like I'm going to be a busy little bunny for the next few weeks...