This will be the first installment of my holiday stories for the year, which will undoubtedly also include a couple of festivals over the summer.
The May bank holiday weekend was spent camping on the Gower. There was sun, beach, beer and far too much meat in the shape of barbeques and fry ups! (Obviously the meat itself wasn't in the shape of a barbeque - that would just be silly!) We talked, drank (in the case of the boys, before breakfast!) rode horses and played a game of throwing small rocks at a pileof bigger rocks to see who could knock it over, which was really far more entertaining than it should have been! All in all it was a lovely weekend, even if there was a minimal amount of sleeping on the last night, due it sounding distinctly like the tent was going to be lifted off the ground and carried somewhere by the gale force winds. It is nice to be back in my own bed though...